Sunday 3 November 2013

Pyramid Diet - Thinner lines to the beginning of summer

Foods that feed people on a diet should not be prosecuted, with additions of sugar, salt, fat, and other harmful ingredients.

Health Pro Con Review - Food should be fresh and healthy. We recommend that when the consumption of fruits and vegetables, eat whole fruits, and to a lesser extent in the form of juices and shakes. Most food that is possible, is eaten raw, to avoid adding unnecessary fat. When cooking vegetables, cook it by steaming or boiling, lightly salted water, and when you save the meat on boiled or roasted in a little olive oil.

When you use using the unsaturated fat as possible. Do not forget the fish. As far as whole grains, eat those that are minimally processed. Choose those with higher fiber, and minimal or no sugar. serving size determines the maximum daily intake of calories, so it will have to adapt meals. If you feel hungry, every day freely eat one serving of vegetables more or less a handful of nuts.

However, if you plan to keep and eat every few hours recommended portions, you should not feel hungry, at least not after a few days, while the metabolism slowly begins to adapt to the new diet regime. Sami organize meals at regular intervals. How to calculate the initial intake of calories?

How do you know how many calories you may consume daily your weight in kilograms, divide by 0.45, and the sum of the number of multiply seven (7). When you get a number, you will know which group you belong to. My Web =>

Those who get a number less than 1050 belong to the group, which must comply with a child with a daily intake of 1200 calories, and these are people who have up to 68 pounds. Persons over 68 and up to 96 pounds are in the group that consumed 1,500 calories a day. Persons wishing to enter up to 1800 calories per day are people between 96 and 115 kilograms. All persons over and down the weights before this child should consult a doctor.

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